Unlocking the Power of Awareness: Breaking The Chains of Unconscious Patterns
Our human minds love patterns. Doing the same thing over and over again, our behavior becomes automatic. From mundane activities like brushing our teeth the same way every day, to drinking our coffee or tea in the same manner daily, and even our recurring thought patterns that keep repeating, I call these patterns "chains." They turn us into robots, making life dull, with nothing to be excited about when waking up.
However, it could be different. Life can be more interesting and meaningful, and it's not as difficult as you might think. We usually have this feeling of "breaking the chains" when we go on vacation. Changing the environment and our mind's perception to "we are on vacation" breaks some patterns temporarily, and it feels wonderful. Lots of us work all year long just waiting for a week of vacation to recharge our "batteries," see new and amazing places, and wake up in a beautiful hotel or a tent in nature, depending on our preferences. it's so powerful that it makes our minds feel alive again, perhaps give us back the curiosity of a child in a new environment.
It's definitely the easiest way to feel alive again: breaking our mind's patterns by changing our environment and mindset. Maybe we wished to be on vacation all the time. But it's not the place that makes us feel good; it's our own perception and breaking our automatic patterns that feel good, being in the moment.
I was living on an amazing tropical island, truly natural beauty, coconut trees, amazing waterfalls and beaches, wonderful food, and meeting happy people on their own vacations – a dream life for many. After a few months living in the same place, the automatic patterns started to kick in again. Suddenly, the beautiful coconut trees and beach didn't look as beautiful as before. In fact, I didn't even "see" them anymore. I needed to tap into my appreciation of what I had just to "see" the beauty again.
So, what happened? In short, we lost our "awareness" in the present moment. Life is only happening now, and only now is worth living.
However, the repetitiveness of seeing the same views and doing the same things put my mind in automatic mode again. It's our brain's natural tendency to ignore repetitive things to save energy, unfortunately, it ignores the things that make life worth living. Our work is to break this tendency so we can appreciate life as we should.
How do we do it? Besides changing the environment and going on vacation, which doesn't tap into the root cause, it's about making a habit of trying new things every day. It can start with a very small physical thing to break patterns, like brushing your teeth with the opposite hand (if you are right-handed). This is also a good practice for brain elasticity. Maybe take a shower in the morning if you're not used to do it already. You might want to try jumping on a trampoline; it may sound funny and childish, but it also has health benefits by moving the lymphatic system to remove waste from the body and of course cultivating our inner child is always welcome, being adults doesn't mean we need to be serious all the time; playfulness is a big tool for us to feel alive and present.
I'm sure you will find more ways to do things differently. All these new things will force you to do them with awareness, and this is the secret – being aware of the present moment of what you do now.
It also helps with anxiety, as your mind won't wander as much.
Other impactful suggestions can include:

Aware breathing every morning or during the day for just a few minutes: Breathing is our most powerful tool to control our nervous system and relax.
Taking a short walk in nature: If you don't have time in the morning, do it after work. Instead of going straight home, give yourself time to reflect and enjoy by going to a new place, prefer natural places like a park or a beach.
Cold showers: Cold water has an amazing ability to wake us up and energize us.
New hobby - no better way to break patterns as learning a new hobby that you may postponed learning for eternity, if you don't do it now you will probably never will.
Appreciation: It's a wonderful tool that can be mastered for a deep sense of fulfillment in life.
Facing your fears: Facing our fears may not be easy, but it's a crucial step and one of the most liberating things we can do for ourselves. Fears often prevent us from fulfilling our life's destiny and have a significant impact on our overall quality of life. While some fears may seem less significant than others – for example, if you fear spiders, it might not be a big deal unless you live in the wilds of Australia – but in all seriousness, if your fear affects your way of life, it's better to address it sooner rather than later. Dealing with small fears is easier, and each fear you overcome will provide you with a boost of energy and motivation to tackle the next one.
It's better to choose new habits that will make our lives better in the long run.
Every small step you take now will accumulate and reward you in the future with a higher quality of life and better health.
Remember we need to get out of our comfort zone in order to grow and feel the full benefits of what life has to offer.
no movement -> no change it's that simple.